Holly Area Youth Assistance is a community-based prevention organization developed by volunteers who live and/or work in the greater Holly Area School District community. HAYA is cosponsored by Holly Area Schools, the Townships of Groveland, Holly, Rose and Springfield as well as Oakland County Circuit Court - Family Division. Additional funding is obtained through grant and local fund-raising efforts.
Contact us The goal of the Fueling Kids’ Futures program is to keep children from going hungry on the weekends and remove barriers to academic success
Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) is a Community Action Agency formed in 1964 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty. OLHSA supports Oakland and Livingston County residents that are looking for assistance in removing the burdens of poverty. We provide individually tailored, wrap-around assistance for all individuals and families in need of help.
Contact usMeals on Wheels is much more than just a meal. It provides homebound older adults with a means of human contact on a daily basis by friendly, courteous volunteers. This gives our seniors and their families a sense of security, knowing that someone who cares will check on them.
Contact usWestern Oakland Transportation Authority (WOTA) is a door-to-door, demand response public transportation service for resident 18 and older with priority given to seniors age 55+, disabled adults age 18+ and veterans of our service area. Regardless of your mobility, WOTA can take you where you need to go as all of our vehicles are lift-equipped.
Contact us Our MISSION
To fund and sponsor programs providing basic necessities to the needy in North Oakland County including housing assistance, food and clothing distribution programs; in the hope that we may be their bridge to a more independent life
1006 N Saginaw St, Suite C, Holly, MI 48442
Our Veterans Service Officer is Katrina Berger, her number is 810-623-8002. An appointment can be made by calling Oakland County Veterans Services at 248-858-0785
Open on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9:30am to 3:30pm
The North Oakland Regional Chambers Association is dedicated to fostering a thriving business environment across North Oakland County.
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