The Holly Area Veterans' Resource Center is located in the Karl Richter Community Center
300 East Street Holly, MI 48442.
Oakland Community Health Network, Freedom Road Transportation, and Rural Transportation Voucher Program is introducing the free mileage reimbursement program for older adults, veterans, and people with disabilities who are seeking transportation to behavioral health and/or substance use treatment services.
The Oakland County Veteran Navigator’s Mission is to support Oakland County veterans and their family members by helping them navigate state, federal, and community resources.
Holly Area Veterans' Resource Center Needs Your Help!
Project underway - "Hometown Support for all on Active Duty"
The goal is to show all of our active duty personnel that their Hometown supports them and we are proud of their dedication to our country. The Holly Area Veterans' Resource Center is seeking names, branch of service, and contact information for those Holly area men and women who are serving in the military. We are particularly looking for individuals that entered the Armed Services in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
These men and women will receive care packages tailored for them and in addition a yellow ribbon with their name and branch of service will be tied around a huge oak tree on Maple Street by Holly Elementary School. This huge oak tree, with all their ribbons, will be a constant reminder to everyone, that people from the Holly area have stepped forward. Further support from the community includes a letter-writing campaign to them from students in Holly Area Schools. Please send any contact information to James Golden 248-634-4235 and or email